Funds given to Pavilion Village under its "Sponsor a Child" program or those designated for child sponsorship are used only for the children and their specific needs. 100% of every dollar given in this fashion is used to feed, cloth, shelter and educate the children living at Pavilion Village in Kenya. No administrative costs (either on the American or Kenyan side) are taken from these funds. Pavilion is dependent on un-designated contributions to cover the salaries of local staff and the minimal US and Kenyan administrative costs. . . . read more
Volunteers are welcome at Pavilion Village. If you would like to travel to Kenya or already plan to be in the country and would like to spend some time with the children of Pavilion Village, please contact us. Pavilion is presently capable of utilizing volunteers on a one day basis and long term. Assistance with arranging local accomodations can be provided at little or no cost to volunteers. Stateside assistance with complete travel plans can be provided upon request.
Special projects are items that are necessary to help provide for the long term care of this group of children, however, their effects are deemed sufficiently remote that they are not paid for out of "sponsorship funds". Special projects include items such as: Building new structures for both the children and staff; purchase of vehicles used by the orphanage; income producing proects that will eventually help make the facility self sustaining. The ministry cannot be maintained without projects such as these, but integrity and financial accountability dictate that these items be classified differently so that our donor's are fully aware of how funds are being utilized.
Pavilion Village is always open to Corporate cooperation. While shipping physical items to Kenya is often not feasible, we do have team traveling to the orphanage on a regular basis that can often transport moderate amounts of supplies and materials. Corporate Financial Sponsorship is appreciated and will be acknowledged publicly when provided.
Virtually 100% of every dollar given is forwarded directly to the direct or indirect support of the children in Kenya. While there are limited administrative expenses required on both the Kenyan and US side, these expenses comprise a very small portion of our budget. For specific details contact our US office. For more information on how your dollars are spent, click here.